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Be a Game maker in GameMaker Studio 2
Course and Instructor Introductions (1:20)
Blaster Faster Introduction
BF - Introduction (2:30)
BF - Resources
BF - Installing GameMaker Studio 2 (3:34)
Blaster Faster - First Steps
BF - Importing Sprites and Audio (9:33)
BF - Object Events and Room Properties (11:45)
BF - Variables (10:28)
Blaster Faster - Player Ship Movement
BF - Moving Ship (13:50)
BF - Smooth Movement (12:58)
BF - Error Messages (3:17)
BF - Fire Particle (22:59)
Blaster Faster - Background and Boundaries
BF - Background Layers (3:10)
BF - Keeping the Ship Inside the Room (9:11)
BF - Scripts (5:47)
Blaster Faster - Lasers
BF - First Laser (8:32)
BF - Double Lasers (11:12)
Blaster Faster - Enemy One
BF - Enemy One AI (6:59)
BF - Ship Parent and Ship Armor (13:00)
BF - Enemy Ship Collisions (13:17)
BF - Fancy Explosion (12:55)
Blaster Faster - Enemy Two
BF - Enemy Two AI (15:18)
BF - Enemy Two Laser (7:55)
Blaster Faster - UI
BF - Player Armor UI (9:00)
BF - Score UI (11:29)
BF - Score (12:23)
Blaster Faster - Enemy Spawner and Audio
BF - Enemy Spawner (21:41)
BF - Sound Effects (9:17)
Blaster Faster - Menu and Game End
BF - Start Menu (14:09)
BF - Player Death (4:15)
Blaster Faster - Screenshake and Highscore
BF - Screenshake (5:35)
BF - Highscore (9:39)
BF - Ini Saving (10:38)
Course Hand Off
Course Hand Off (0:34)
Cave Boy - Creating The Player
CB - Creating The Player Preview (0:36)
CB - Player Sprites (5:35)
CB - Player Creation Code (10:09)
CB - Keyboard Controls (5:05)
CB - State Machine Skeleton (7:59)
CB - Getting Moving (11:52)
CB - Perfect Collisions (8:22)
CB - Player Animations (1:41)
CB - Jumping (6:50)
CB - Audio Effects (3:27)
CB - Ledge Grabbing (8:11)
CB - Creating The Player Recap (1:31)
Cave Boy - Rooms, Views, and the GUI
CB - Rooms, Views, and the GUI Preview (0:35)
CB - Views and Room Settings (5:03)
CB - Creating Rooms (5:42)
CB - Title Screen (11:35)
CB - Auto Tiling (10:49)
CB - Background Music and GUI (8:35)
CB - Rooms, Views, and the GUI Recap (0:56)
Cave Boy - Level Objects
CB - Level Objects Preview (0:38)
CB - Doors (11:17)
CB - Sapphires (5:24)
CB - Lava (10:41)
CB - Hurt and Death States (13:30)
CB - Level Objects Recap (0:32)
Cave Boy - The Enemies
CB - The Enemies Preview (0:37)
CB - Snake (16:47)
CB - Bat (10:04)
CB - Inheritence (8:09)
CB - Spider (11:50)
CB - The Enemies Recap (0:28)
Cave Boy - Level Design
CB - Level Design Preview (0:33)
CB - Room One (6:36)
CB - Room Two (9:52)
CB - Boss Room (4:54)
CB - Level Design Recap (0:48)
CB - The Boss
CB - The Boss Preview (0:38)
CB - The Boss -- Part 1 (8:40)
CB - The Boss -- Part 2 (13:01)
CB - Some Random, Useful Functions (4:38)
CB - The Boss Recap (0:28)
The End
Course End (0:29)
BF - Double Lasers
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