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1-Bit Godot Course by Heartbeast
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Welcome + Godot 3.x Updates (0:34)
GitHub + Source Code (6:07)
Rocket Launch: Your First Game in Godot
Project Manager + Importing Assets (4:36)
Basic Scenes + Basic Nodes (14:12)
Scripts + Gdscript (9:16)
AnimationPlayer Node + Onready Var (12:02)
TextureButton Node + Signals (8:08)
Piggy: Basic Input, Movement, and Collisions
Area2D Node + CollisionShape2D Node (10:13)
Game Window and Viewport + Project Settings (6:25)
Keyboard Input + Basic Movement (9:44)
Delta + Export Variables (8:12)
Scenes + Animating a Sprite (19:47)
Simple Collision Detection + Collision Layers and Masks (15:56)
Space Shooter: Instancing, Particles, Setters and Getters
Setup + Review (14:43)
Rigid Bodies + Instancing (10:27)
Timer Node + Visibility Notifier Node (13:45)
Label Node + Setters and Getters (21:49)
Particle2D Node + AudioStreamPlayer Node (35:29)
Custom Font + Changing Scenes (9:46)
Singletons + CenterContainer Node (14:53)
Dictionaries + Saving and Loading with JSON (25:31)
Godot 3.x Update Lecture (8:02)
Understanding Godot's Control Nodes Course
Metroidvania: Platform Physics
Setup + Review (3:28)
Kinematic Bodies + Static Bodies (15:42)
Platform Character + Review (21:16)
Animated Character + Review (6:50)
Camera Node + RemoteTransform Node (5:56)
Slopes + Snapping (11:37)
Polishing Slope Movement + Review (11:33)
FAQ - Still Sliding Down Slopes? (2:50)
Tilemap + Autotiling (11:43)
Sloped Tiles + Review (5:52)
Input Map + Inherited Scenes (12:37)
Player Gun + Review (10:08)
Script Inheritance + Player Bullet (20:07)
Player Bullet Timer + Warnings (8:33)
Moving Platforms + Resources (14:38)
FAQ - Moving Platform Not Moving
Walking Enemy + Raycasting (23:37)
FAQ - Vanishing Walking Enemy (1:04)
FAQ - Walking Enemies Not Working? (8:44)
Hurtboxes + Hitboxes (16:49)
Explosion and Jump Effects + Review (7:32)
Enemy Stats + Review (7:50)
Player Hit + Review (8:52)
PlayerStats + ResourceLoader (10:17)
Screenshake + Events Singleton (11:15)
Canvas Layer + UI (4:13)
Player Health UI + Texture Rect (15:43)
VBoxContainer + Review (6:58)
UI Themes + Styleboxes (14:25)
Pausing + Pause Menu (9:45)
Pause Menu Polish + Double Jump (7:58)
Player FSM + Review (3:52)
Wall Slide State + Review (17:02)
Wall Slide State Cleanup + Wall Dust Effects (14:57)
MainInstances Resource + Review (4:34)
Flying Enemy + Review (10:30)
Enemy Death Effect + Review (8:21)
PlantEnemy + Review (13:22)
Crawling Enemy + Review (15:33)
Missiles + Scale Glitch (15:02)
Missile UI + Review (11:12)
Brick + Review (11:30)
Missile Powerup + Review (14:51)
Levels + Doors (16:37)
World + Door Connections (17:00)
Bones + Inverse Kinematics (28:17)
Boss Animation + Review (21:49)
Boss Behavior + Spikes (23:03)
Door Blocker + Triggers (21:44)
Saver + Loader (26:20)
FAQ - Error When You Load? (4:16)
Save Station + Review (16:31)
Saving Levels + Assigning the Camera (10:56)
MainInstances Fix + Review (12:28)
Level Building + Review (7:49)
Saving Custom Data + Review (13:44)
Sounds + Default Arguments (33:56)
Music + Assert (11:18)
Game Over + Review (17:22)
FAQ - Player Doesn't Take Damage While Overlapping Enemies? (4:21)
FAQ - Game Over Screen Doesn't Work after Loading the Game? (4:07)
Course Completed + Thank You (0:41)
Basic Scenes + Basic Nodes
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