No Longer Maintained Mobile Game Development | Gamemaker Studio (GMS2 Compatible)
Learn what it takes to create your own Mobile Games using Gamemaker Studio.
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In this course students will learn how to create mobile games using Gamemaker Studio. This includes learning how to setup and add In App Purchases (IAP), in game ads, and leader boards. Students will also learn to program with Gamemaker Studio's built in scripting language called GML.
This course takes about 5 hours to complete.
This course will strengthen your programming and game development skills. By the end of this course, you will be ready to develop a variety of video game projects using GameMaker Studio.
What will I learn from this course?
- Students will know How to build a fun mobile game with Gamemaker Studio from scratch.
- Students will know how to Import sprites, sound effects, and background images.
- Students will know how to Program games using Gamemaker Studio's built in language GML Scripting.
- Students will know how to Create a start menu.
- Students will know how to Create game levels with rooms
- Students will know how to Create objects and use events to control them.
- Students will know how to use fonts as sprites.
- Students will know how to add and set leader boards for your game.
- Students will know how to setup and add In App Purchases (IAP).
- Students will know how to add and set in game ads.
- Students will know how to export their game to an APK to upload to Google Play.
At the end of my course, students will be able to...
- Create Mobile Games with Gamemaker Studio
- Understand how to setup and use In App Purchases (IAP), in game ads, and leaderboards
- Understand how to program games using Gamemaker Studio's built in scripting language GML
should take this course? Who should not?
- Any one from Beginners to Experts can take this course! If your looking to learn Mobile Game Development then your in the right place.
- If your an absolute beginner you may want to learn the absolute basics of Gamemaker as this course assumes you already know them.
What will students need to know or do before starting this course?
- This course requires no previous programming experience, however this course does assume you know the very basics of Gamemaker Studio.
- In order to test your mobile game on your android device you need to have at least Gamemaker Studio Pro. You can take this entire course with Gamemaker Studio Pro Without the Android Export Module however, to export your game as an APK to upload to Google Play in the last lecture in this course. You will also need the Android Export Module.
- Access to a Windows Operating system is required in order to run Gamemaker Studio. On MAC you can install Windows on a Virtual machine.
Course is now compatible with GMS2 via an update lecture. See section titled "Gamemaker Studio 2 Compatibility Update.".
Your Instructor
My passion is creating and playing video games. I have been playing games for almost all my life, as far back as I can remember. I want to share my knowledge with other aspiring developers so they don't have to have to spend countless hours trying to learn the basics. If your looking to learn how to create and develop games, You're in the right place.
twitter @syntheticpixel
Code Assets Gamemaker Assets
youtube syntheticpixelgames
Course Curriculum
StartImportant Resources.
StartStudent Discord
StartInstalling SDK, NDK, JDK (5:30)
PreviewUpdate: Installing The Android SDK (5:36)
StartGMS2 Android Studio Overview (Watch Lecture 4 first.)
StartRefresher: Variable Scope and Comments (8:26)
StartRefresher: If and Switches (4:35)
StartRefresher: Loops (9:46)
PreviewRefresher: Gamemaker Fluency Quiz
PreviewGetting Started (14:48)
StartParallax Scrolling/Player Interaction (10:11)
StartCollision Checks/Pipe Movement (11:25)
PreviewCollision Masks and Parallax Scrolling (19:53)
StartPipe controller object and graphical effects (17:31)
StartInitialization room and game controller object (19:49)
StartDraw Event and Font Sprites (12:44)
StartAdding Remaining Sprites and adding our Menu Room (19:50)
StartGame Play Instructions Screen (16:48)
StartPausing and setting up the game over screen (17:09)
StartContinuing work on our game over screen and checking for pause (19:33)
StartWrapping up! Sound Effects, Clamps, and stuff we forgot (16:10)